Section: Reasoning Through Language Arts B

Question 39 of 124

1 Although more people speak Chinese than any other language. 2 That frequency of use is primarily because of the immensity of the Chinese population. 3 It has been recognized that throughout the world, the language used most commonly by different people is English. 4 English had served as the language of communication for international business and government relations.
5 As a result, the majority of people who use English are speaking English as a second language. 6 There is actually fewer people speaking English who have English as a native language than there are people speaking English who have a different native language. 7 For example, a Malaysian businessman and a japanese businessman may very well conduct business in English.
8 How hard is English to learn? 9 The easiest time in life to learn any language is between birth and approximately the age of fourteen. 10 This is also a time of life when nutrition is very important. 11 Children have an innate ability to learn language they have the time to do so. 12 While some adults have greater language abilities than others, in general, the difficulty of learning English or any other language depends on the language with which someone begins. 13 Languages are grouped into families, so the closer the relation of the first language to English, the easier English will be to learn.
14 If English is your native language, how long will they take to learn? 15 The English language is a language that consists of more than 750,000 words with additional words continually added to it all the time. 16 Truly mastering language is a life-long process.

Sentences 1 and 2:

Although more people speak Chinese than any other language. That frequency of use is primarily because of the immensity of the Chinese population.

Which is the best way to write the italicized portion of the text?